Monday, 16 January 2012

Untold History : Lost Continents of Luca Antara

The unknown continent of Luca Antara was 1st mention by Raja Permaisura of Damut (?) kepada Raja Pahang...

Ini adalah transcribe surat Raja Permaisura kepada Raja Pahang... kept by Royal Portuguese Courts.. He described that, the inhabitants of Luca Antara was :

- Berwajah jawa, tapi speaking tak paham
- Berambut panjang hingga ke bahu
- Membawa tukul emas
- Memakai keris bertahtakan permata
- Suka laga ayam

So.. description only point out to = the other part of Malays's distance coursin.. in lost continents.

Portuguese Connection 

in 1601.. Pedro De Calvaheas melapurkan dari Melaka yang.. dia belayar pergi ke Luca Antara, dengan bantuan kemuda Raja Permaisura... belayar selama 12 hari dari Balambuan to south, sehingga ke Luca Antara

Pedro De Calvahese melapurkan pulak :

- Existing considerable amounts of golds and other precious products
- Climate nya sejuk

Setelah discovernya.. dia ditugaskan pulak describe lokasi ini kepada Manuel Gerindinho De Eridia.. untuk ditakluk


The Expidition never took place.  Eridia sakit.. but he instructed few surveys to took place = all ended up in vein and lost at sea, Portuguese abandoned this mission till succession of Dutch into Malacca.. "Luca Antara" has never been discovered since then...


Most historian try to emulate that = Luca Antara is the island of AUSTRALIA... it is widely known and recognized as one..


Base on those and other few historical evidence = Luca Antara WAS INHABITED BY MALAYS in customs, in appearence.. they had Kings

Let say..

Luca Antara = is Australia.... SO.. native of Australia is Malays.. not aborigines.. AND... climate Ostolia is panas.. bukan sejuk

Think again........ 


  1. bukan di kepulauan sulu?...raja sulu tu kan kayo...byk emas ada kesinambungan je

  2. Kepulauan Sulu kat belah atas bro.. ni dorang pergi ke belah bawah ( south )dan kalau ikut logik 12 hari pelayaran blm tentu boleh sampai ke Australia tuh..

    Cita Luka Antara ni dah bunyi mcm cite Pulau Atlantis plak, sana sini ada emas, pulau plak kejap ada kejap lenyap :)

    Anyway, tahniah bro Razzi kerana highlight perkara nih :)

  3. irian jaya paling plausible. sekarang pun ada company omputeh dok gali emas kat situ. lagipun diorang kan dari surabaya
