HH Abu Bakar of Johore purchased a set of Bacarrat Krystal Dining Table.. sometimes in 1860..

It was reported that "French Bacarrat" only produced 3 set of Crystal tables in the world, even for today. 1 was purchased by Queen Victoria and now treasured at Windsor.. other was robbed by Hitler during invation of France and given to Mussolini and now treasured in Presidential Palace in Rome.. while, remaining sets was purchase by HH Albert Baker and treasured at Istana Besar Johore.

This is the only picture of this collection available at Istana Besar Johore.
'Legend' of this Bacarrat Crystal Table was emerged sometime in 1930's.. reported by American Journalist in Milwaukee Press..

These Baccarrat Cyrstal Table used to be come with set of crystal bed... thus makes collection in Istana Besar was incomplete because portion of 'crystal bed set' was purchased by Maharajah of Jaipur.
It is known that Maharajah of Jaipur was always competing with HH Sultan of Johor to win an affection of Queen Victoria which later cost him his country to British.

Half of the legend is found to be right.. except the "crystal bed" stories..
Those which purchased by Maharaja Jaipur is not a "crystal bed" but rather a "crystal side table" from HH Abu Bakar set now still at Jaipur. Maybe he doesn't have enough money to buy the whole set..
Those set di Istana Besar complete with Chandeliers and Candelabras, but missing side table which now in Jaipur Palace.
Plus... additional crystalwares in Istana Besar from infamous "Pantie Yatch" which I believed was the sets bought from Bacarrat in 1860.