Tunku Miriam at the middle, died today in U.S.
She represented the last era of Johore's gilded age and led the most secretive live amongst Johore royalty.
Khususan ila arwahi Al-fatihah
Satu bende pasal Tunku Mariam, she was the last custodian of HH Ibrahim's treasure.
Nama dia mule jadik perhatian aku bile aku cube trace lost treasures of HH Ibrahim, particularly in the west.. about 2 years ago
Tunku Miriam ada pernah menghadiahkan seseorang peninggalan HH Ibrahim. Rare and made specially for him alone. No second to it

Omega and Rolex belong to HH Ibrahim
Antara few items yg 'lost'... his personal belonging. Imagine that... bende yg dia pakai hari2.. I would bid this thing with arm and leg klu owner skrng nak jual.
Apperently she retired in Florida. And the stories goes ;~
Episode ni akan bagi korang insights ape kaitan few world brand treasures dgn influence dorang around the globe.