Monday, 26 May 2014

Untold History : Pirate of Karribian III : Who The P?

Posting kali ni akan buat ramai yang tak boleh duduk diam.. and many would say "what the P?".. but, in the end.. something is best left forgotten.. let your curiosity kill you.

Ai'te.. if you familiar with "Pirate Carrebean" connection with Malay antiquity yang pernah aku published dulu2, then copied and reposted berkali2 oleh berlainan blogger claiming credit.. lantak dorang lah.. but for sure, setakat itu je lah dornag tau, dorang tak tau ape yang aku tau... heheheee

Sambungan dari : Untold History : Pirate of Karribean II "The Beginning"

Aku rase... aku dapat identified dimana kapal Jack Sparrow berkubur and sape dia sebenarnye... 

Let's recap :

To conclude this case, kite perlukan pelakun utama.. character "Jack Sparrow" was unknown sampai sekarang.. so.. ramai yang cakap aku mengarut..

BUT, in the movie itself dah dibagitau dengan NYATA.. that kalau ko tak kenal "Jack Sparrow".. ko boleh check dengan :

So, for somebody yang tak kenal Jack... boleh check letter "P" branded in his arm. That is Jack Sparrow, one and only. 

It was 'secretly' show in the movie, even dialogue nya pun tidak dinyatakan why kena branded except 1 line : "Jack has a little run with the East India Company"..

So.. ape kaitannye kan????

This "P".. is mysterious mark of unknown ship sunk near Pulau Aur, Mersing Johor.. detail nya ada di "Untold History : The Cursed Canons of Pulau Aur"

So.. missing link dia :

In 1849.. JT Thompson reported that.. 1 canon in house of tribal leader of Pulau Aur

In 1948.. CA Gibson Hill reported that.. 4 more canons buried at coast of Pulau Aur

In 1860's.. Pahang Chronicle reported that.. Tun Ahmad taken 4 canons to Kota Beram Pakace.. which 2 lost at sea.  

In 1982.. HMS Raja Jarom Frigate = ordered to take 3 canons.. 1 were left at Pulau Aur 

To sum everything.. :

1 + 4 + 4 + 3.. total of 11 canons in Pulau Aur  

But.. record in 1948 saying 4 canons.. while HMS Raja Jarom reported that in 1982 only 3 canons.. who take another 1 canon?? 

Semua orang melapurkan 'banyak' cannon di Pulau Aur.. di jumpai tak jauh dari pantai.. dari unknown shipwreck in undisclosed location..

Takde sape tau origin kapal tu.. almost nobody know kecuali penduduk kampung tu yang cakap ade kapal dulu tersadai tak jauh dari pantai..


Bila aku traced kesemua location meriam tu.. something not right.. part of the report aku post kan di sini :  "Untold History : Unsolved Cases of Meriam Phuake"

Meriam yang dilapurkan oleh JT Thompson, CA Gibson dan lain-lain.. bukanlah bertanda "F".. but "P"

NOW.. most of you began to think kan???? what's the connection...

Pusing-pusing.. dalam blog ni rupenye semua connected.. kan??

That "P" is not a mark.. but "brand" of something that belong to the original Captain Jack Sparrow.. macam brand LV, or Levis etc.. it was 'brand' belong to 1 entity and 1 entity only.. takde LV 2 or Levis 4.. semua Levis and LV adalah same.. 1 brand. 

Tapi sape punye???

To answer that.. kite kene carik other ancient artifact buried deep in the sea branded with "P" then only we can connect the missing link in our history..  Jumpa "P".. jumpe lah sape sebenarnye "Jack Sparrow"

Err.. kalau korang jumpe lah...

........ bersambung (sebab dah jumpe) heheheheee