Looooong ago, sebelum British meletakkan Advisor di negeri2 Bersekutu dan Tak Bersekutu .. bermula dengan Perjanjian Pangkor. they formalize a standard scheme..sampai laa ke constitution of Malaya

Each state, dgn British Advisor perlu mendengar dan mentaati perintah British... and go on and on sampai 1957. The rest of these history korang boleh google sendiri..
But here.. aku nak ceritakan pasal "Secret Scheme"... designed solely for Johore State.
This "Secret Scheme" lah foundation atas sistem pentadbiran, judicial and taxation dimana2 negeri Melesia... even sampai sekarang.

Designed by Lord Ripon... the architect for colonization in Malaya... it's excluded the State of Johore from the beginning with special treatment.. he also shrouded by legend as Master Mason and members of Majestic 12..

1st Scheme dikatakan.. pemerintahan Johor diletakkan dibawah Britain Queen... bukan di bawah Governor India, Governor bagi kolony2 British mcm Singapore, Australia dan New Zealand.
Antara bende2 yang formalized 120 years ago sebelum pemerintahan British dan pembentukan negara Malaysia.. design for Johore.. but had been carried out without public knowledge.
2nd Scheme dikatakan formalized semasa draft pembentukan Melesia... where HH Ibrahim x setuju join, and failed to turun tanda tangan pada perhimpunan Raja-Raja 1956.
3rd Scheme dikatakan setelah draft pembentukan Melesia di finalizedkan 3 bulan sebelum Kemerdekaan
Ape isinyer??? dah tak jadi secret laa klu aku bagitau.. kan?? 