Sunday, 4 May 2014

Too young, too soon... Khususan Ila Arwahi.. Al-Fatihah

Dedicated this to a new friend, among few that impressed me. Orang yang aku boleh respect.  Muda, visionary, and full of lives.

Azrafe Zaky a.k.a Zack, CEO Joho Konsep telah pulang ke rahmatullah 10pm semalam. 

Takziah dari aku sekeluarga buat warga JOHO Konsep, and thousand that touched by his humble soul.
By sweats of my brows and strength of my back, let us continue what he left.

Al-fatihah tiwa Yaasin ila arwahi walidina wawalidikum waila arwahi muslimi nawal muslimati kaffata ammah. Khususan ila ruhil marhum Azrafe Zaky. Wa usu liha wafuru iha wamai yan tsasibu ilaiha ajmain. Waila hadrotin nabiy yil mustofa, rosulillah s.a.w wa a lihi wa as habihil kiromi AL FATIHAH