"Sh******tt!!!"... 9 out of 10 person out there mesti cakap bende yg same.. 'Dafuqq i'm talking about?????'.. the rest 1 person.. there, staying on the throne mesti cakap "Dah kuat?? Ko nak mampuss????"
Dulu maybe aku terlepas.. but this posting kali ni, maybe aku kene banish forever dari Johor.. all my works would be erased, and my name would not be known by later generation.. or worse.. lies in unmarked grave ..on the other side of the road.
But waitt.. its either me, or orang lain yang bagitau.. the truth is out there.. can't conceal it forever. Depend on what tone they deliver.. most would tend to bring harm and disrespect.. tapi aku, i'm trying to justify the logic behind all this unspeakable chapter in our history. Can't change the history forever ain't?
Bapak aku live thru the 70's.. memang zaman remajanye. Salah satu urban legend yang dia pernah bagitau aku.. pasal Johor royalty.. one ended up being converted into Christianity in some church somewhere in the west.
Dalam ramai-ramai anak Sultan Abu Bakar.. it was Tunku Aris Bendahara Abu Bakar yang selalu ke Britain.. almost 80% hayat hidupnya spent in the west dan mati di sana..
Orang-orang zaman dulu tau that fact sahaje.. sebab cume cerita orang yang dapat dorang dengar.. mengesahkan jauh sekali.. but no.. bukan Tunku Aris Bendahara.. dorang salah orang..
Tunku Aris become devoted muslim sepanjang hayatnya and leading Muslim community in London.. he died in 1956 and lies along with Dato' Amar and few other prominent Muslim in London.
It was..
Tunku Ahmad Temenggong Sir Ibrahim.. died in Wednesday, 26th October 1983. No grave.
Entry 26th June 2014.
No record saying he's cremated. BUT, no record either saying he was buried.
Semua record contradicted.. even so, kalau mengikut ape yg aku dapat.. dia 'ditanam' di 2 tempat berbeza :
Shipped cemetary, then to Garden of Memories.. BUT.. no plot given. Takde plot tanah kuburnye. Eerie eh??
My quest started almost 1 year ago.. banyak aku study pasal Tunku Ahmad.. and, aku x jumpe definite answer where he lies.. takde sape brani jawab soalan aku.. even Episcopal Church in US keep silence sampai sekarang..
I'm asking few other colleagues yang tinggal di Arizona.. they came back empty.. no gravestone, no record.
Whoever survived 1983 to 2014 bukan mase yang panjang.. ramai masih hidup sampai sekarang but still, seems nobody talk... 'orang' ni mcm x pernah exist.. considering nama dia besar di benua Amerika.. name bapak dia alone could tremble the Washington DC.. but everybody keep their mouth shut. Macam this person was erased totally from history. Only glimpse that I have..
BUT.. there is no St Peter Episcopal Church in Sedona.. yang ada cume St Andrew's Church. It could be St Peter's at Kerrville Texas. Journalism 101 : divert the news - you can't get the truth
Sebelum korang conclude everything.. let us study kenapa dia boleh jadik mcm ni..
Dia courting seorang gadis "Bible Belt" Texas ketika berumur 75 tahun in 1973.. dah tua pun.. selepas kematian Ungku Elek Maimunah isterinya.
One thing about "Bible Belt" Texas.. dia macam Kelantan.. religiously observed and fanatic. Most of Christian bigots known in history came from Texas. Now you know.
Pasangan ni berkahwin pada 23 June 1975, di Hospital Besar Sultanah Aminah Johor Bahru.. di akadkan oleh Kadi Besar.
Kenapa Hospital???
Sebab, Tunku Ahmad mase tu tenat.. and setelah dia sembuh.. dia 'tak boleh' balik ke rumah kerana aweknye Melba Walker menginap disana unless dia berkahwin.. so dia boleh laa balik rumah.
From there kite tau.. 1893 sampai 1975 Tunku Ahmad remains as devoted Muslim.. even hukum hakam yang remeh pun dia selalu ikut.
Selepas berkahwin.. this Melba began to control him.. dia nak membawa Tunku Ahmad pergi.. yang ketika tu berumur 77 tahun pulang ke US. She tried many attempt.. percubaan jahat ini dihidu oleh abangnya Sultan Ismail..
Dalam biography Melba Ibrahim... shortest biography ever written.. 32 pages only.. limited distribution, x bleh bwak masuk Malaysia. Courtesy kepada my partner in crime.. adik aku yg belajar di Tennessee mase tu.. :
One of many attempt oleh Sultan Ismail ialah.. :
US Consulate terpaksa delay issuance of Visa kepada Tunku Ahmad, atas pressure Sultan Ismail.. it took 8 bulan to approved.. itu pun sebab kantul.. klu x kantul sampai bile2 pun x approve.
But how to stop 77 years old younger brother ai'te?? nak nasihat pun dah tua..
Tunku Ahmad left Johor pada tahun 1976 dan berpindah ke North Corolina and remains there for 1 year. Selepas itu dia berpindah ke Sedona, Arizona in 1977, it is where he succumb to christianity in St Andrew's Episcopal Church Arizona. Pity..
Mengikut rekod.. he's become devoted christian and even set up few charity for Christian College and University and Gospel Movement.
Aku tak tau the exact years.. tapi.. it could be on 1979.. sebab.. cucu kesayangannye.. Tunku Hamid.. found dead in Ulu Tiram.
Aku familiar tentang cerita Tunku Hamid Tunku Muhammad Archibald.. sebab :
One part of the "Dead Men Diary" ni ade tulis kisah Tunku Hamid Archibald.. which happen selalu lepak di rumah A78 Ulu Tebrau in 1977-1979.. rumah Tn. Hj. Anuar Hj. Jalil..which also happened to be my grand dad.
This guy selalu riding Triump or Indian kalau pergi ke A78 atas bukit, anak angkat atuk aku and the sametime befriended dengan bapak aku yg mase tu sebaya dgn dia.. friendly fella.. funny and sometimes could be dreadful.. ber 'aku' 'engkau' je kalau berbual... but kalau ade orang luar kene panggil dia 'Tunku'..
Tunku Hamid dijumpai mati dengan pistol di tangan.. suspected suicide di ladang Estate pakciknya di Ulu Tiram.
Mengikut cerita bapak aku.. this guy baru 1 minggu berkahwin dengan anak polis Singapore. No sign of distress mase dorang jumpe di A78. Most people yang rapat concluded ini bukan kes bunuh diri but somehow.. kes ni ditutup and received very few coverage.
Full coverage available in "Dead Men Diary".. korang pun boleh bace klu aku bagi..
Same year 50,000 miles away.. atuknye Tunku Ahmad turns against his belief and died alone...
For 83 years of age, 99% daripada umur biasea dihabiskan dengan gelak tawa anak2.. cucu2.. kerabat.. tiba-tiba.. semua berubah.. masa tua, nobody there.. anak2.. cucu2 pun jauh.. sakit selalu menjengah.. sunyi.. cucu kesayangan mati.. yang jadi peneman cume suare halus setan mengoncang akidah.. hari2 berbisik..
This marked one of the darkest history for Johorean.. even sampai sekarang.. korang akan jumpe jalan buntu kalau nak investigate this matter.. in your homeland.. or from US Government. Sealed tight.
And me.. dengan menulis bende ni bermakna aku menyerah tengkuk aku.. but, aku masih percaya there is far greater risk kalau orang lain yang tulis.. and far more harm kalau dorang tak tau apa yang jadi sebenarnya and started to speculate
Kepada Allah berserah