It was cheered and applauded by communist Batu Api over the country.. :
according to their "Experts" :
- Hang Tuah and his gangland band was Chinese
- Hang Li Po is absolutely Chinese female
- All of them were brought by Admiral Zheng He to Malacca.... then offer them office in royal courts and positions in the army
Little that they knew, their temberang were baseless :
Admiral Zhange He.. according to 'their' expert.. was brought Puteri Hang Li Po to Malacca under the reign of Sultan Mansur Syah in 1456-1477...

and... suddenly.. all the Batu Api began to rejoice and planting the idea that Hang Tuah and his gangland 5 were Chinese.. BECAUSE THEY serving the Sultan Mansur Syah during Hang Li Po's time.. which also means "Hang" were Chinese family names appied to Tuah and Li Po...

Sultan Mansur Syah (Patron of Hang Li Po and Hang Tuah) were died in 1477 after 23 years reigns from 1456

WHILE....However, little that they knew.. ...... Admiral Zheng He only arrived at Malacca 3 times.. which is.. from 1411 to 1433 = When SULTAN MANSUR SYAH BECOME MALACCA SULTAN.. Admiral Zheng He has loooooonnnnggg died

I expect the those Batu Api were good in simple Math... but here, obviously they got hallucinated

hi unekspekted VII.
ReplyDeleteboleh tak buat research ttg siapa hang tuah and the gang yang sebenar beserta bukti2 yg kukuh? klu dah ada boleh bagi link tak? just paste kat komen ni . thx very much
bagus dah ada blog sendiri...kalo tak asik kene curik jerk...
ReplyDeleteMenurut Andaya (2002), Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat dan Hang Kasturi adalah pemimpin ulung kaum Orang Asli. Kekuasaan Orang Asli dalam pemerintahan Melaka serta kerajaan-kerajaan melayu yang lain mengalami kemerosotan dengan kematian ketiga-tiga tokoh ini. Pendapat ini dipetik dari Pagan Races of the Malay Peninsula, Macmillan, London 1906 karangan Skeat, W.William and C.O. Blagden.
ReplyDeleteAndaya juga memetik pendapat Juli Edo, seorang ahli antropologi dari etnik Semai yang mengatakan bahawa Hang Tuah dan Hang Jebat adalah Orang Asli. Hang Tuah ialah Orang Jakun (Winstedt, 1935). Hang Tuah dan keluarganya berpindah ke Hulu Perak selepas kematian Hang Jebat.
Deletenice entri dan blog
ReplyDeletei follow trus
Telor Power: Hehehe, tak sangka kita berjumpa pula di sini ...
DeleteJadi siapakah pahlawan terkenal yang berkata 'TAK AKAN MELAYU HILANG DI DUNIA' tu?...
ReplyDeleteSebab tu keris taming sari ada di perak
ReplyDeletehikayat hang tuah has been aprove as 'sahih' by ottoman caliph long time ago.. so sebarang petukaran crita adalah nonsense..