Monday, 28 April 2014

Untold History : GILDED AGES - Johore State Pavilion Resurrected in Putrajaya this May

Resurrected in Putrajaya on 23, 24 and 25 of May 2014. Be there as I would be there. See ya!

I owed this planning success to Head of Division - Social Development of IRDA whose has done remarkable efforts and ideas which soon be immortalized in the sand of times.

Dalam banyak2 orang yang aku buat keje, this are the few yang betul2 kerja, less talk more works. The right guy that demonstrate power and influences to makes thing happen for benefit of public. My 3rd underground projects initiated by this Man, one after "Kilang Purba" and "Istana Runtuh" in my previous posting.

And also to JOHO Konsep teams and crews whose ideas is far reach unimaginable boundaries of mental state of normal people. Obviously, dorang memang awesome.

Me? I just a simple guy living like a rockstar hit by boredome of everyday business. Obviously I need a hobby yang sihat rather than lepak at Chili's Restaurant at Citta Mall everyday with my crazy partners yang dah memang crazy and kayeraye sampai tak keje.


Idea of having pavilion erected in foreign land is maybe obsolete these days with Internets and other borderless information highways right on your fingertip.

BUT, 200 tahun dulu.. whose privileges to travel abroad only reserved for wealthy educated colonist and criminals (as ship's slave), Pavilion is the most ideal medium to introduce you to the whole world.

1st Pavilion


Earliest exhibition dihantar oleh Johore, even sebelum dibuka bandar Johor Bahru and Istana Besar pun belum siap.

That time, Johore and other FMS cuma hantar product shipped via British Representatives.  No direct involvement, cuma display.

BUT, what more interesting berkaitan tentang negeri Johor dalam exhibition ni ialah.. bukan ape yang dorang hantar sane.. but.. ape yang dorang BAWAK BALIK :

This is huge collection of silvers by Hunt & Roskell. Half of this treasures was bought by HH Abu Bakar and now stored at Istana Besar. Lebih2 cerite korang boleh selak series of "Lost Treasure of HH Albert Baker" kt blakang2 blog ni.

2nd Pavilion

2nd Pavilion took place in 1867 A.D at Paris Universalle 

Sama macam tahun 1862, Johore masih belum participated directly.  Cume hantar specimens thru dia punya sub-ordinate GLC operating abroad.

3rd Pavilion


I've seen the real picture but that damn antique dealer pressing me gilebabi punye price lepas dia dapat tau ini blog aku punye.  But, i had a glimpse of what they have built in 1887 :

While inside :

This one managed by Dato' Meldrum as royal representative to Australian Government.

This peta :

is actually the same map macam yang tergantung dekat dalam Pavilion Adelaide ni.. but somehow, somebody put the wrong date in the reprinted map (1907) while the original was drew on 1887 or earlier mcm dalam posting pasal Dato' Salleh Perang yang lepas.

4th Pavilion

Dibina pada tahun 1893 AD.. in WORLD COLOMBIAN EXPOSITION. Consisted 3 buildings in the same vicinity.

This is where "Wau" dan "Congkak" getting coverage by National Geographic Society which later enlisted them as permainan rakyat otherwise sapu by Samoan which happened to have same congkak.

This pavilion managed by Dato' Said something aku lupe. From Telok Blangah Office.

Other interesting story pasal Exhibition ni ia lah :

An official invitation from HH Abu Bakar to General John C Smiths, unknown figure of US Official. Well, mystery still linger of this WhoTF is this General John C Smiths is and the Sultan not even attending this event!!!!! whattttttttttt????

5th Pavilion


While this one pulak, HH Ibrahim did not asked Johore State Government to participate.. but, influenced his friend Frank Buck to built him the "Jungle Camp"

Dia datang exhibition ni with his wife and merasmikan Exhibition ni

Dalam Jungle Camp's Frank Buck showcased banyak bende dari Johore :

Thus I consider Johore were directly participated in 1833.. the success of Jungle Camp bring idea to HH Ibrahim to participate in the upcoming Exposition in 1939.

6th Pavilion


Constructed in 1937. Johor State is the 1st pavilion constructed in the Treasure Island.

Managed by Dato' Onn Jaafar for 6 months. Lebih2 cerite korang boleh bace kat blakang. 

Next pavilion is on 23rd May at Putrajaya. Hahahaaaaa

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Untold History : The Biggest Fraud in The Making at Pulau Nangka II

Sambungan dari Episode 1, korang dah tau.. why Pulau Nangka bukan tempat Sultan sembunyikan hartanye..

Portugese blockage menyebabkan armada Melaka lumpuh, and Sultan lari ke arah darat hingga ke Muar.  Jangan pulak ade yang gilebabi cakap Sultan ade bina terowong sampai ke Pulau Nangka, memang ko gile.

So.. 3rd theori pulak, berdasarkan karangan Fernao Lopes de Castanheda

This guy, cume singgah Melaka pada tahun 1530.. almost 20 years lepas penaklukan Melaka.. BUT.. tulis cerita ni pada tahun 1551 - exactly 40 tahun SELEPAS KEJADIAN.. now.. how the fcuk did he know Sultan Melaka sembunyi harta kt Pulau Nangka yg terjadik 20 tahun lepas???


Now... mari kite start dari awal quest ni.. ON THE FAITHFUL NIGHT karamnye Frol De Lamar

Ade 11 kapal Portuguse yang menyerang Melaka :

1. Frol De Lamar
2. Santa Caterina
3. Joia
4. Santiago
5. Trindade
6. Anunciada
7, Santo Antonio
8. Santa Cruz
9. Bretao
10. Taforeia
11. Enxobregas

Tidak termasuk kapal-kapal pengkhianat Melaka dalam "Untold History : Talam Banyak Muka Traitor", while sambungannye dalam "Untold History : Apa Jadi Pada Malam Kejatuhan Melaka?"

Kapal-kapal Traitor ni yang berlabuh di pulau-pulau berdekatan Melaka menunggu Portuguse menawan Melaka... termasuk Pulau Nangka

That is why I am amazed macamane so call 'expert' termasuk PERZIM concluded that Sultan pergi Pulau Nangka??


Now.. let's scrutinize and do some literature review dari ape yang Fernao Lopes de Castanheda tulis, nasib baik aku ade buku ni :

So... ape content nye?

Ade something yang tak kene disini...

Albukek menggantung James Mendes dan rakannye yang lari pada waktu malam sebab mereka ingin menakluk Melaka terlebih dahulu daripada Albukek ; dengan alasan melanggar perintah.

 Seems Albukek tamak.. ade 'sesuatu' yang dia nak di Melaka.

Castenheda has confirmed that :

1. Mosque
2. Malacca Palace

Have made of stone, while secured by fortification.  So.. Museum Melaka (depicted as Istana) now kene roboh lah.. inaccurate gitu.

This infamous story of Nakhoda Bija was recorded dalam siri Untold History aku : "Untold History : The Highlander Duncan "Nakhoda Bijaya" MacLeod II"

So.. details penaklukan Melaka :

Total war of 9 days + 3 days plundering.. Portuguese menang sebab Sultan Alaudin lari dan gagal menolong.

Well.. many version = semua datang dari Portuguse chroniclers.. ade cakap 3 hari, ade cakap 5 hari, even some cakap 30 hari Perang.

BUTTTTTTTT... aku tak jumpe single sentences pun yang stated bende ni :

Itu yang aku musykil... dan yang paling memusyikil kan pulaak.. 2 kompeni ni : Smart Partnership International (M) Sdn Bhd... yang dikatekan ditugaskan mencari harte karun, tanpe tander kerajaan.. not even involved in archeology and salvage

I began to wonder.... there is another fraud in the making..


So.. bile dah bace habis.. tentu tak puas hati klu tak tau dimane harte bende tu SEBENARNYE berade kan??? 

Ko dah bace siri 1??? semua Sultan lari ke Muar kan??? 

Now.... ko relate dengan cerita ni : "Untold History : King Solomon & Laksamana Mamat Mines Co. Pte. Ltd"

Whereas mencatatkan ; Laksamana Tun Mamat pergi 2 kali setahun, mengambil 10 pikul emas tulen, setiap kali lebih kurang 100 bugels (1 bugels = 60kg)

Selama 140 tahun orang-orang Melayu berperang dengan Portuguse dengan kapal-kapal kayu cengal bersela emas padu.. denga harta yang sama menggajikan askar, memberi makan, beli senjata, meriam.. ; continously selama 140 tahun.. even Amerika pun boleh pokai kalau ini macam....

So.. dari mane dorang dapat??? 

Cume Laksamana Mamat tahu.. rahsia ni mati selepas Laksamana Mamat mati, in 1657 A.D.. 

So.. jangan bermimpi 

Monday, 21 April 2014

Untold History : The Biggest Fraud in The Making at Pulau Nangka

Sorry guys, banyak kerja.

Tengah sibuk collect ref. psal Datin Melba dari adik aku kt Tenesse, then stumbled upon this articles :

Then, as the stories heated :

"Wow".. itu aje expression aku..

I began to wonder.. make makes them conclude ;- Pulau Nangka???


Biar aku paham kan ;

- Macamane Sultan Mahmud bawak jongkong emas bertan2 tu ; dirahsiakan.. 'tapi' mereka tau (??? WTF??)

- Sultan Mahmud wrestle back Melaka dari Portugis = sebab kekayaan yang ditinggalkan??.. again.. WTF punye alasan

- Fernao Lopes de Castanheda.. 

So.. bagi menjawab persoalan diatas... aku sediakan beberape jawapan yang paling senang.. korang pun boleh rujuk sendiri at Leyden, Boston U, or UM :


Hari ke-3 Perang.. Sultan Mahmud lari.. pertahanan Melaka roboh dari hujung "Balai." :

So.. details nye :

Tu cerita kejatuhan Melaka.. and how Sultan Mahmud dan Sultan Ahmad lari;

1. Sultan Ahmad lari ke Hulu Muar
2. Sultan Mahmud lari ke Batu Harupar
3. Bendahara sembunyi di Lubuk Batu

Now.. cube korang remapping the route:

Antara 3 tempat yang dinyatakan dalam Sejarah Melayu, cume 2 sahaje di kesan:

1. Hulu Muar ; di Bkt Kepong, Muar
2. Lubuk Batu ; di Segamat
3. Tempat ke 3 ; Batu Harupar tidak dapat dikenal pasti

Makam Lubuk Batu :

Ketiga-tiga Manusia penting ni - melarikan diri mengikut jalan DARAT towards inland

So.. soalan aku kepada PERKIM dan orang-orang terlibat = How the fcuk did the treasure ended di Pulau Nangka yang bertentangan dengan kota Melaka.. yang ketika Perang tu the whole sea route was blocked by Portuguese armada?????
