Yang ni pulak.. architectural 'signature' HH Ibrahim Al Mashyur.
Dubbed as the fearsome mason in masonic world... dia jugak tinggal kan 'clue' dalam bangunan-bangunan yang dia bina.
Dia tak gunakan "XO" factor yang digunakan bapaknye HH Abu Bakar.. somehow, he using different kind of approach. Ade 2 ciri korang boleh identified any buiding yang ade characteristic mcm tu is once belong to HH Ibrahim.. Aku bagitau yang 1st :
Along Straits View.. ade banyak bungalow with these kind of characteristic. Direkodkan bahawa HH Ibrahim telah membina 20 bijik kediaman disepanjang jalan Straits View.. some of which still standing.
Yang paling ketara ialah = Istana Bukit Serene.. almost every corner was carved in these fashion
So... if you happened to be rich and bored, the suddenly you had bought this kind of bungalow.. bear in mind, that those were belong to HH Ibrahim not long ago.
Wednesday, 19 December 2012
Sunday, 16 December 2012
Untold History : Signature of Johore Architecture Redefined I
Lepas aku bagitau ni.. tak jadi rahsia lagi lah. For more than 100 years tersembunyi.. it's about time to disclose everything. It's going to rewrite the entire architectural behavior of Johore...
Pada batu dan binaannya.. ada 'tertulis nama' pembina asal bangunan-bangunan itu, bukan dengan abdjad, simbol atau huruf.. tapi dengan 'signature' yang korang tentu tak perasan..
Bahagian "Signature" HH Abu Bakar ni terbahagi kepada 4 ciri.. nanti jee aku cerite satu2. Yang ni.. yang first... 3 more to come. Klu korang tak sabar sangat nak tau.. korang boleh tanye En. Nor Hisham Hussin or En. Johan arkitek dari IDR, dorang tau sambungannye cerite ni.
You spend an evening walk in old quarters of Johore Town, you'll notice different 'distinction' pada bangunan-bangunan lama disitu.. istana-istana dan jugak pejabat-pejabat kerajaan yg dibina SEMASA HH Abu Bakar in reign.. so, meaning jugak korang tak payah susah2 mengenal pasti origin and try to carbon dated certain relics..sebab.. klu 'signature' ni ada.. ko dah boleh identified siapa 'pembina'nya dan tarikh dibina.
Aku panggil 'benda' ni.. XO factor.
Tentu ko perasan benda ni :
Simple je.. rite??? but 'these' thing has an unexpected origin = Riau from 1700's...
Signature ni laa yang digunapakai HH Abu Bakar pada SEMUA bangunan yang dibinannya... sebab signature ini jugak PERNAH digunakan di RIAU oleh keturunan Temenggong dan Sultan Johor sebelum zamannya... korang tengok ni :
Semua bangunan dan Istana keturunan Temenggung sejak zaman sebelum Singapore diambil lagi menggunakan 'signature' ni.... diteruskan sehingga HH Abu Bakar before vanished in time.
These distinction EXCLUSIVELY produced for HH Abu Bakar.. orang lain tak boleh buat, even Wong Ah Fook.. sebab tu use entirely for his buildings and initiations, hinggakan anak dia sendiri HH Ibrahim 'terpaksa' cipta signature lain untuk bangunannya sendiri.
Bukan pada Istana-Istana sahaja.. but civil structure also involved :
So.. next time korang jalan2.. kt mane2 pun.. dari Riau, Medan sampai ke Muar pun 'signature' ni ade.. then korang boleh tau.. itu barang bukan Ahmad Albab yang punye.. itu barang HH Abu Bakar yang punye.. you had to pay respect. Reti????
Pada batu dan binaannya.. ada 'tertulis nama' pembina asal bangunan-bangunan itu, bukan dengan abdjad, simbol atau huruf.. tapi dengan 'signature' yang korang tentu tak perasan..
Bahagian "Signature" HH Abu Bakar ni terbahagi kepada 4 ciri.. nanti jee aku cerite satu2. Yang ni.. yang first... 3 more to come. Klu korang tak sabar sangat nak tau.. korang boleh tanye En. Nor Hisham Hussin or En. Johan arkitek dari IDR, dorang tau sambungannye cerite ni.
You spend an evening walk in old quarters of Johore Town, you'll notice different 'distinction' pada bangunan-bangunan lama disitu.. istana-istana dan jugak pejabat-pejabat kerajaan yg dibina SEMASA HH Abu Bakar in reign.. so, meaning jugak korang tak payah susah2 mengenal pasti origin and try to carbon dated certain relics..sebab.. klu 'signature' ni ada.. ko dah boleh identified siapa 'pembina'nya dan tarikh dibina.
Aku panggil 'benda' ni.. XO factor.
Tentu ko perasan benda ni :
Simple je.. rite??? but 'these' thing has an unexpected origin = Riau from 1700's...
Signature ni laa yang digunapakai HH Abu Bakar pada SEMUA bangunan yang dibinannya... sebab signature ini jugak PERNAH digunakan di RIAU oleh keturunan Temenggong dan Sultan Johor sebelum zamannya... korang tengok ni :
Semua bangunan dan Istana keturunan Temenggung sejak zaman sebelum Singapore diambil lagi menggunakan 'signature' ni.... diteruskan sehingga HH Abu Bakar before vanished in time.
These distinction EXCLUSIVELY produced for HH Abu Bakar.. orang lain tak boleh buat, even Wong Ah Fook.. sebab tu use entirely for his buildings and initiations, hinggakan anak dia sendiri HH Ibrahim 'terpaksa' cipta signature lain untuk bangunannya sendiri.
Bukan pada Istana-Istana sahaja.. but civil structure also involved :
So.. next time korang jalan2.. kt mane2 pun.. dari Riau, Medan sampai ke Muar pun 'signature' ni ade.. then korang boleh tau.. itu barang bukan Ahmad Albab yang punye.. itu barang HH Abu Bakar yang punye.. you had to pay respect. Reti????
Thursday, 13 December 2012
Untold History : "Molek" That Lost Amongst Many
This is one of my favorite relic.. gambar bermacam-macam bangsa berarak sempena pengebumian HH Abu Bakar. Taken in 1895.
But then, aku rase ade satu yang tak kene kt gambar ni.. Sungai tu...
Sesape yang familiar with that area tentu perasan, takde sungai besar kt kawasan Istana.. considering this was taken 120 years ago... that could not be the case.
Ini adelah "Sungai Molek"..... terletak di ATAS "Jalan Air Molek" sekarang dalam peta zaman moden.
Ko tengok perbezaannye :
Dan juga, gambar2 setelah kerja-kerja penambakan sekitar 1910 to 1920 :
Prior to 1800', kesemua istana-istana kerajaan melayu semuanya berpagar... dari Riau sampai ke Kelantan... semua istana mereka berpagar... even pembesar macam Ngah Ibrahim pun rumah nye berpagar... pernah korang pikir kenape "Istana Besar Johor" tak berpagar????
Istana Besar yang asal dikelilingi sungai... mcm Pulau.. the only excess to Istana ialah melalui laut..
Kepada sesape yg familiar with map produced prior than 1910.. tentu perasan yang "Guard House" Istana Besar terletak di simpang kedua.. bukan di simpang pertama pintu masuk Istana Besar :
Ade gambar lagi :
Gambar yg first tu diambil sekitar 1906... bermakna juga... prior to that, kawasan Istana Besar 'dikepung' oleh Sungai2 besar = di depannya "Sungai Molek".. dan dibelakangnya "Sungai Kg. Asap" yang kini juga di tambak.. bersambung ke kolam Zoo Johor dan terus ke Sg. Belukar didalam Istana.. .. no excesss melainkan dari laut di Pengkalan Tambatan dalam bab-bab yang lepas....
Guard house lama tu terletak kedalam sikit selepas satu Jetty di Sungai Molek. TAPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.......................... peta tersebut.. dan peta ni.. published in 1902 TIDAK ADA MENCATATKAN sebarang Sungai.... cume "Kolam" while gambar diatas dated on 1906 pula menyatakan sebaliknye :
Ape yang cube dorang sembunyikan????????????
Sebagai comparison.. ko boleh bandingkan dgn map moden ni :
So??? what you see is not really what it is isn't it????
Sunday, 25 November 2012
Untold History : Puncak-Puncak Yang Hilang
bile bace psal "Singapore Stone" dalam "Disini ada Badang".. ingatkan coincidence..

A huge granite rock written in ancient language were 'bombarded' into pieces by British Engineer in 1843
.. various source mengatakan itu adalah batu Badang... berat 40 tonne.. 30m x 30m.. terletak betul2 di muara Esplanade... then... 'diletupkan' dan hilang dari sejarah...
'similar' event happen in Borobudur... puncak nye 'hilang'....
Perhatikan betul2.....gambar2 Borrobudur seawal 1860's... :

ini adalah gambar Borobudur yg biasa kita nampak, even.... semua refererence tentang Borrubudur menggambarkan ini ADALAH borobudur yg 'asal'..
Now... gambar from 'earlier source'.. perhatikan :

Iyee.. puncaknye masih kelihatan... dan dipecayai.. didalam stupa itu juga, 'masih'' terdapat patung emas... or anything yg 'penting' SEBELUM dilapurkan kosong...; iaitu, sebelum Belanda datang semula ke Indonesia..
Kedua2 'penemuan' ini dibuat oleh Stamford Raffles... AND... kedua2 monument yg 'hilang' ini di 'hilang' selepas Raffles mati..
The most puzzling question ialah - kenapa Stamford Raffles menghantar HCC Cornelius, seorang Belanda.. dan juga musuh ketat British utk explore Borobudur secara rahsia dari 1811 - 1814??????
and.. sometime after that, puncak Borobudur juga dilapurkan 'hilang'.... bersama2 dengan monument didalam Stupa gergasi di puncak Borobudur...
Coincidence??? think again........

A huge granite rock written in ancient language were 'bombarded' into pieces by British Engineer in 1843
.. various source mengatakan itu adalah batu Badang... berat 40 tonne.. 30m x 30m.. terletak betul2 di muara Esplanade... then... 'diletupkan' dan hilang dari sejarah...
'similar' event happen in Borobudur... puncak nye 'hilang'....
Perhatikan betul2.....gambar2 Borrobudur seawal 1860's... :

ini adalah gambar Borobudur yg biasa kita nampak, even.... semua refererence tentang Borrubudur menggambarkan ini ADALAH borobudur yg 'asal'..
Now... gambar from 'earlier source'.. perhatikan :

Iyee.. puncaknye masih kelihatan... dan dipecayai.. didalam stupa itu juga, 'masih'' terdapat patung emas... or anything yg 'penting' SEBELUM dilapurkan kosong...; iaitu, sebelum Belanda datang semula ke Indonesia..
Kedua2 'penemuan' ini dibuat oleh Stamford Raffles... AND... kedua2 monument yg 'hilang' ini di 'hilang' selepas Raffles mati..
The most puzzling question ialah - kenapa Stamford Raffles menghantar HCC Cornelius, seorang Belanda.. dan juga musuh ketat British utk explore Borobudur secara rahsia dari 1811 - 1814??????
and.. sometime after that, puncak Borobudur juga dilapurkan 'hilang'.... bersama2 dengan monument didalam Stupa gergasi di puncak Borobudur...
Every single ancient monument, from Giza Pyramids, Mayan Temples etc = the main tip of the structure was MISSING... what left is just an empty room..
Who perpetrated this nasty jokes by hiding all those relics from around the world and hide it??????
Coincidence??? think again........
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Untold History : Semarrr Setaaann
Tarik napas dalam2.... pastikan sekeliling anda senyap sunyi. Nak best.. buat lepas pkul 12 malam.. dengan asap kemenyan lagi bagus.. pastikan rumah anda dibuka tingkap dan pintunye seluas2 yg munkin...
dan jangan lupe.. sila off kan henpon anda.
Jangan tengok atas... teruskan dengan bacaaan dibawah ni, diulang sebanyak 3 kali.. nak best, bace sekuat2 hati... :

Olaf Winstedt ade satu sifat buruk. Bila dia ditugaskan ke negeri2 FMS... dia tak buat keje... instead, dia selongkar istana2 Melayu and study psal manuscript2 lama..
In 1909 dia tulis dalam satu unpublished Journal by Asiatic Society.. ilmu memanggil pontianak. Recorded from account of Dato' Amarabangsa Wiraja/Wijaya.. sorang pawang yg amat ampuh zaman tu dari Temenggor.. sometimes in 1850's
Itu "Ilmu panggil pontianak".. klu ilmu "Halau dia balik".... tak pulak dia ajar... So... pepandai korang larr
DISCLAMINER : Misterr Mo Razzi accepts no liability for the content of this page, or for the consequences of any disturbance or any other type of mental illness, earthly or celestials, taken on the basis of the information provided, unless that information is subsequently confirmed in writing. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and at your own risks of being cursed.
dan jangan lupe.. sila off kan henpon anda.
Jangan tengok atas... teruskan dengan bacaaan dibawah ni, diulang sebanyak 3 kali.. nak best, bace sekuat2 hati... :

Olaf Winstedt ade satu sifat buruk. Bila dia ditugaskan ke negeri2 FMS... dia tak buat keje... instead, dia selongkar istana2 Melayu and study psal manuscript2 lama..
In 1909 dia tulis dalam satu unpublished Journal by Asiatic Society.. ilmu memanggil pontianak. Recorded from account of Dato' Amarabangsa Wiraja/Wijaya.. sorang pawang yg amat ampuh zaman tu dari Temenggor.. sometimes in 1850's
Itu "Ilmu panggil pontianak".. klu ilmu "Halau dia balik".... tak pulak dia ajar... So... pepandai korang larr

DISCLAMINER : Misterr Mo Razzi accepts no liability for the content of this page, or for the consequences of any disturbance or any other type of mental illness, earthly or celestials, taken on the basis of the information provided, unless that information is subsequently confirmed in writing. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and at your own risks of being cursed.
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
Untold History : Rumah Jepun Rewritten
Recognize this???
Frequent visitors to Taman Bunga Istana Besar Johor, this is just a small Japanese house in the foot of Bukit Bintang hill near Istana with beautiful garden.
People enjoying the view, taking few pictures then go home.
But for people who live longer than 150 years, this Japanese house was really meant something which was hidden in history for many many years. It not just a house.. it's a Japanese soil itself.
Everything from nails, woods, roofs, plants, flowers, fishes etc. etc. was TRANSPORTED in one piece from Japan during HH Abu Bakar visits in 1883, presented by HH Emperor of Japan itself inside .
However, it was recorded that the house was presented by Crown Prince of Japan to HH Ibrahim in 1934 ONLY.
However, his old monogram was predates 1934, probably sometimes in 1920's in its original form.
And.. stories related to this that HH Abu Bakar was married a Japanese girl presented by HH Emperor of Japan, in Untold History : Maria Ozawa and Sultan Johore which later happened to resided in Istana Besar until 1895. This garden was reflection or his love for Japan.
That is the original design of the house, I really don't know which stupids changed it into current outlooks. Now, compare :
Ugly and no historical value.
This house was later become a favorite meeting place between HH Ibrahim and Marquis Tokugawa whenever he visited Istana Besar before 1942. It was later used by General Yamashita for his resting place and General ( I really forgot his name .. Yoshi something) which was convicted of war crime after WW2 and banished to Johore.
So.. there was alot of thing going on in that small house.. so beware when you snap a picture
Frequent visitors to Taman Bunga Istana Besar Johor, this is just a small Japanese house in the foot of Bukit Bintang hill near Istana with beautiful garden.
People enjoying the view, taking few pictures then go home.
But for people who live longer than 150 years, this Japanese house was really meant something which was hidden in history for many many years. It not just a house.. it's a Japanese soil itself.
Everything from nails, woods, roofs, plants, flowers, fishes etc. etc. was TRANSPORTED in one piece from Japan during HH Abu Bakar visits in 1883, presented by HH Emperor of Japan itself inside .
However, it was recorded that the house was presented by Crown Prince of Japan to HH Ibrahim in 1934 ONLY.
However, his old monogram was predates 1934, probably sometimes in 1920's in its original form.
And.. stories related to this that HH Abu Bakar was married a Japanese girl presented by HH Emperor of Japan, in Untold History : Maria Ozawa and Sultan Johore which later happened to resided in Istana Besar until 1895. This garden was reflection or his love for Japan.
That is the original design of the house, I really don't know which stupids changed it into current outlooks. Now, compare :
Ugly and no historical value.
This house was later become a favorite meeting place between HH Ibrahim and Marquis Tokugawa whenever he visited Istana Besar before 1942. It was later used by General Yamashita for his resting place and General ( I really forgot his name .. Yoshi something) which was convicted of war crime after WW2 and banished to Johore.
So.. there was alot of thing going on in that small house.. so beware when you snap a picture
Untold History : Lost and Forgotten Pengkalans of Johore
Imagine this.. you are living somewhere in Johor Bahru in 1860's.
The only transport available to cross over to Singapore is using Sampan... or swim thru crocodile infested straits.
Prior to 1920's, there were several jetty or landing place stretch along the Tebrau Coast. The infamous one is the "Pengkalan Dewan".. used for Royal Johore.
It was situated right across "Dewan" in Istana Besar, loooong before they done major reclamation along the Lido, the stair was leading straight to Pengkalan. There was no road cut across Pengkalan and tangga istana until 1890's. Now you know the real function of 'broad stairways' in Istana Besar.. meant to be for visitors departure from the sea.
There were few accounts recorded such occasion ; from tales of Duke Sutherland.. to funeral of HH Abu Bakar where's all 12 Johore State ships were line up in Pengkalan Dewan. Here' is the glimpse :
WTF?? They should look on these angle before they built the Waterfront City.
The only transport available to cross over to Singapore is using Sampan... or swim thru crocodile infested straits.
Prior to 1920's, there were several jetty or landing place stretch along the Tebrau Coast. The infamous one is the "Pengkalan Dewan".. used for Royal Johore.
It was situated right across "Dewan" in Istana Besar, loooong before they done major reclamation along the Lido, the stair was leading straight to Pengkalan. There was no road cut across Pengkalan and tangga istana until 1890's. Now you know the real function of 'broad stairways' in Istana Besar.. meant to be for visitors departure from the sea.
There were few accounts recorded such occasion ; from tales of Duke Sutherland.. to funeral of HH Abu Bakar where's all 12 Johore State ships were line up in Pengkalan Dewan. Here' is the glimpse :
WTF?? They should look on these angle before they built the Waterfront City.
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