Sunday, 15 January 2012

Untold History : All "Men in White"

Double "untold" stories.

Men-in-Black.. yg kite tahu, a group of men from unknown institution.. kejenye eliminate evidence of UFO... aku agak2 je laa. 

Now, this men, a group of brilliant men, dressed all in white.. among them was conspirators, tyrants, businessmens... the founding fathers of Singapore.

Sometimes, masih boleh dilihat smpai sekarang.. a group of elders, in Singapore Parliament pakai baju putih semua.. but, they are not the statesmen.. maybe 'advisor' of some sort.  


Sebelum2 tu... sesape yang pakai 'uniform putih'... possesed unlimited power.  Macam sumpahan pulak.

50 tahun sebelum gambar tu diambil... another "Men-in-White" were roam the country = British.. and few others executive power in  FMS colonial office


Those who worked in State Government, aku tak tau ape uniform dorang.. but for Johore.. they wore the "white uniforms".. dari baju sampai ke seluar.. tak kire Melayu or British.. sume same takde beza..

Klu dorang pakai blazer pun, tetap warne putih.. cume time je lain warne.. but sometimes, ade jugak yg gile.. pakai putih jugak.

Sesape yg ade koleksi gambar2 lame from State Government office of Johore.. sure diorang jumpe terselit sorang dua yang pakai uniform putih dari baju sampai seluar.  

Dato' Onn, semase belum tubuhkan UMNO pernah dipandang serong sebab mengekalkan status pakai baju uniform putih semasa meeting dengan perwakilan negeri lain.

All men in power = all men in white... koincidence????

1 comment:

  1. kurang pundek satu point sebab ade satu gambar.
